Instoremedia is a leading Digital Signage Solution, founded in 2000 and operating from Stockholm and London. We focus on developing our market leading content deployment platform to meet the needs of clients whose display networks range in size from small and local to enterprise wide. Our network of channel partners and resellers range from AV integrators to creative agencies and we are open to new partnerships.
The Instoremedia solution allows you to manage your estate of displays through a logical Tree structure which has no limits on its extensibility. Content can be scheduled using either traditional Playlists or with Metadata rules and keyword tagging. Compatible with all industry standard content formats including 4K and any kind of digital display, the Instoremedia solution is now also available on a range of ultra low impact Android and Raspberry Pi based Media Players.
The biggest benefit is that everything we do is forwards compatible, so if you started out with a small pilot install at one site on one screen then decided to roll out to multiple locations on multiple display types playing anything from 4K movies to dynamic templates or interactive content you would not need to change your User Interface, your server or even your chosen Media Player.
Digital Displays are increasingly being viewed in retail as a cross channel asset – something which exist in a client’s bricks and mortar estate but which bridge the gap to e-commerce or data driven marketing efforts. Our solution, which has a range of APIs, makes this kind of integration easier.